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Please find a list of our most common FAQs however please get in touch if the answer to your question about good food in Cheltenham is not covered below.
What is Good Food?Good Food is vital to our quality of life here in Cheltenham. We believe in the true value of good food on people, places, and planet. We therefore class good food as:- HEALTHY - It is tasty, it provides nourishment and enables people to thrive. GREEN - It is produced in a nature-positive way, seasonally, free from chemicals and not wasted. FAIR - Everyone along the food chain has been treated well and those working within it has access to fair wages. ACCESSIBLE – quality food is available to all
Where do I go if I need emergency food in Cheltenham?To direct you to emergency food provision please visit Cheltenham Borough Councils food support page where they will give you information about how to access the Cheltenham food bank and pantry system.
How can I get involved in a community growing group in Cheltenham?Feeding Gloucestershire provides a map to help you find our community growing spaces across Cheltenham. We also feature a full list of them in our blog found here. Here are the main spaces you can visit, volunteer at or access good food from. Community Rest Garden - Tewkesbury Road Project Grow - Various Sites Cheltenham is Growing - Various Sites Vision 21 - Annecy Gardens FCH Edible Garden - FCH Campus Charlton Kings Community Allotment - Sappercombe Allotments
How can I share my good food Cheltenham events?To tell us about your good food event, you can email us at and we will spread the word. You can also get in touch with us to feature a story on the Good Food Cheltenham blog.
What can I do as a Cheltenham citizen to reduce my household or business carbon footprint when choosing food?Please contact us by email at or submission form and we can put you in touch with the relevant network partners. You can also visit the Planet Cheltenham website or Cheltenham Zero for more information.
How can I find an allotment in Cheltenham?Find details of all allotments in Cheltenham and apply for a plot on the Cheltenham Borough Council website.
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