"Food systems that work for people and not profits start at grassroots levels"
Good Food Cheltenham was set up at the beginning of 2023 by Cheltenham's community growing group who were fed up of competing for resources, funding, distribution channels and more. Our vision is BOLD but simple: to create a vibrant, healthier, sustainable, and more equitable food system across Cheltenham. Our purpose is to bring the many organisations, community groups, institutions and citizens together that are contributing to a better food system for Cheltenham.
As a group of community growers we started off with three or four organisations which has quickly grown to over 20 organisations all who want to grow and distribute locally grown food, cook for and advocate for better access to good food for everyone no matter who you are.
May 2023
Community growing Whatsapp group created for the sharing of resources, joint funding applications and collaborative projects
May 2023
First in person meeting as group along with Feed Gloucestershire to discuss barriers to growing food for the community and how we can campaign for a better food system for Cheltenham.
June 2023
Good Food Cheltenham was created and our vision for Good Food was written
July/August 2023
Our strategy was written and a working partnership was created between Cheltenham Borough Council, Feed Cheltenham and GFC with the aim to create a collective vision for Cheltenham's food system in five years time.
September 2023
Following on from our vision for good food and with peer-to-peer consultation we developed our 6 action plans for the campaign.
October 2023
Good Food Cheltenham became a constituted organisation and we signed up our first network partners
November 2023
Our first two pilot projects were formalised and agreed both to launch in 2024